Medical Support

At Supportive Therapies, we maintain successful partnerships with primary care providers and specialists of all kinds. When a client is referred to us, we work closely with the client and the provider to help support all of the clients identified health goals. We consider hypnotherapy as an adjunct to case management and a part of a multidisciplinary care plan. If the client agrees, we report the client’s progress regularly to the referring provider.

There are many beneficial uses for hypnotherapy in medicine that help people to overcome issues that were previously affecting their quality of life and their health. The list includes symptoms and diseases that cause pain and suffering for the client and their family. All medical disorders, treatment side-effects, surgery and procedures can be positively impacted by the use of hypnosis.

By working with a professional hypnotherapist clients can successfully improve their lifestyle habits and stop unhealthy behaviors which can affect their overall health and longevity. In addition, relieving stress, anxiety, insomnia and improving nutrition, physical exercise, and weight management will affect all of the normal bodily processes that prevent illness and improve healing.

Hypnotherapy has been proven to accelerate wound healing and prevent complications. One prominent way that this is accomplished is by helping the client move out of the anxious “sympathetic state of fight or flight” common in all disorders and into the calm “parasympathetic state” that returns balance in all bodily systems. This encourages better digestion, circulation, oxygenation and liver, pancreas, respiratory and immune system function.

Since the mind and body are not just connected but are intimately integrated, trauma, grief, loss, depression, anger and other negative emotions can impact physical, mental and emotional health. These states can block healing, pain relief and good health. Hypnotherapy helps the client resolve the issues causing this impact in a safe and comfortable environment. While the client will never forget the event or situation, working through it using the resources of the subconscious mind takes the “sting” out of it and allows the client to begin to heal body, mind and spirit.